If you are searching for a permanent labeling solution to keep track of your child’s wardrobe, then the Crystal Prism Iron-On Clothing Labels from Name Bubbles is a winning solution! Our are easy to apply and will iron onto most fabrics in a few simple steps. These permanent label stickers feature a mosaic pattern and are available in a variety of colors! Your kiddo will love these custom name labels!
These name stickers for clothes are great for tagging t-shirts, sweaters, shorts, socks, and more! Not only are our iron on name stickers for your child’s apparel, but they’re also great for labeling your child’s face masks, towels, robes, and more! With these prism stickers, your child’s belongings will stand out!
With our iron-on clothing labels, you can choose between three different label shapes:
• Circle Iron-On Labels
• Contact Information Iron-On Labels
• Slim Rectangle Iron-On Labels
Solve your lost laundry problem once and for all, and stop germy mix-ups from happening with iron on name stickers for clothes. Great for labeling face masks, socks, t-shirts, underwear, hats, mittens, shoes, and more. The contact information tag includes an extra line for information in case something goes missing outside of ; you can add a phone number or email address! These crystal labels are versatile and permanent!
Our iron-on clothing labels are easy to apply. Just turn your iron to its highest cotton setting, place a piece of parchment paper between the iron and the clothing label, and hold for 15 to 20 seconds. Now your child's clothes are ready for school, , play dates, or the park.
Simply choose a shape and customize these mosaic stickers with your child’s name and leave the rest the rest! Now, if someone finds your little one’s lost piece of clothing, they will know exactly who to return it to by looking at the name on the !
*Iron-On labels not in use have a shelf life of one year. To maintain your unused Iron-On labels, store them in a cool and dry area. Keep away from direct heat, sunlight, and humidity.